We secretly made blocks for Jenny for her birthday. Mary Ann & Beth hosted Stitch and Bitch where we gave Jenny her blocks. We had a wonderful lunch and Jane made a yummy chocolate cake.
Here is Mary Ann telling Jenny about the blocks. Look at that cute quilt on the chair Jenny is sitting on.
Jenny was surprised. What fun we had!
Here are Kim & Jane. Look at the panels on the closet. Mary Ann & Beth are such great decorators.
Here are Lori, Clara & Beth. Can you see the blue coming from the room behind Beth? She seems to be glowing.
Mary Ann was having too much fun playing with Jenny's blocks. Maybe we should make some for her, too.
Doesn't Jenny look happy!
I can't wait to see what she makes.
This is Bellisima. As a challenge, I gave everyone directions to make this quilt to complete by the end of this year. Clara said that she just had too much to do but look at what she has done! These colors are wonderful. She did an amazing job!
I haven't even begun mine.